welcome aboutnutritional therapymetabolic balance®consultation feesget in touch+41 76 414 6469 Do you want to improve your health? BOOK A CONSULTATION Energy? Mood? Anxiety? Better sleep? Better skin? Digestive complaints? Acid Reflux? Bloating? IBS? Constipation? Diarrhoea? IBD? Crohn’s Disease? Ulcerative Colitis? Joint aches? Rheumatoid arthritis? Arthritis? Elevated cholesterol? Overweight? Underweight? Healthy eating ideas for your children? Healthy pregnancy? Improved concentration? Stress management? Athletic performance? About Claudette Lucien Nutritional Therapist based in Zurich What is nutritional therapy? How can it help me Fees & services A breakdown of costs Book a consultation today Get in touch Want to feel great again? metabolic balance® combines body chemistry with food chemistry Virtual conference? Get in touch to arrange a meeting