An insight into how I can improve your quality of life
“I saw Claudette because I was suffering from dry skin on my hands for many years, and it was getting worse. I had been to see the doctor, who wanted to give me cortisone; I didn’t want such a strong hormone and therefore didn’t take it. I went to Traditional Chinese Medicine, this was helpful, yet still didn’t address the root cause. Working with Claudette we gradually made changes to my diet in steps that I could easily integrate, I am very pleased to say that my skin condition has dramatically improved.“
Mr CR, Zurich
metabolic balance® – Rheumatoid Arthritis
“At the age of 35 I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which was a big shock as I followed a healthy lifestyle and diet, was an ideal weight, a non-smoker and had no family history of RA. I was prescribed Salazopyrin, Plaquenil and Prednison medication, and had occasional cortisone injections into certain joints. Alongside, I researched foods considered to contribute to my RA symptoms, and tried to eliminate these. Despite this I was still in significant pain and discomfort, and desperate to improve my symptoms. My quality of life was impacted, I was no longer able to participate in any sports, and I fell into depression. A year later I was still in pain, and was prescribed fortnightly Humira 40mg injections, this helped, but had many unpleasant side-effects. The cost of each injection is approximately CHF1,000 (£700).
Claudette encouraged me to try the metabolic balance® programme, since it is anti-inflammatory and alkalising, in addition to a supplement programme to further support my immune system. My symptoms greatly improved. After four months I wanted to see how I would react without the Humira injection, and in December 2011 my Rheumatologist agreed for me to stop it; this has been working well, and I felt good. I continue on a minimum dose of Salazopyrin as my only medication. I find that my pain increases when stressed, have less than eight hours sleep and eat too many foods not on my list. I would highly recommend trying this programme if you have an inflammatory disease.“
Miss SL, Zurich
Colds & Flu
“I used to frequently suffer from colds and flu, so I saw Claudette following a friend’s recommendation. She overhauled my eating habits by reducing my sugar intake, which she said could be weakening my immune system, and included more nutrient dense alternatives. I now feel much healthier and I am hardly ever sick, when a lot of my colleagues around me are!“
Miss D, Thalwil
Joint Pain
“Before I started seeing Claudette I had trouble with inflammation (mostly in my knees), in particular after hard exercise (long-run and skiing).
Through a combination of a.) a slightly revised diet throughout the year, b.) selective use of supplements (glucosamine sulfate, fish oils and probiotics), c.) working on supporting muscles and d.) more strict changes in my diet one month prior to key events (e.g. annual heli-skiing trip) such as: strong reduction in red meat, coffee, no alcohol. I now manage to be as active as I want to be with significantly reduced side effects.“
OH, Zürich
metabolic balance® – Weight Loss
“Anfang dieses Jahres wog ich noch über 82kg, bin 160 cm gross und 46 Jahre alt. Mein Blick in den Spiegel endete damit, dass ich nicht glauben konnte, dass ich es war, der mir gegenüberstand! Ich fühlte mich sehr unwohl und überhaupt nicht mich selbst, kam andauernd an meine Grenzen. Stets versuchte ich meine mein Gewicht zu reduzieren, hab auf meine Ernährung und Bewegung geachtet, doch anstatt positive Ergebnisse zu ernten, gewann ich mehr und mehr an Gewicht.
Auf Empfehlung meiner Frauenärztin wurde ich auf Metabolic Balance aufmerksam und glücklicherweise lernte ich kurz darauf unsere neue Nachbarin kennen die professionelle MB Ernährungsberaterin ist.
Anfang Juni startete ich das Programm und 3 Monate später wiege ich noch 64 kg und fühle mich wunderbar. Niemals hätte ich mir vorstellen können, dass ich auf diesen Plan einsteigen könnte, mit all den Regeln und strengem Abmessen etc. Doch für mich gab es nur noch diese eine Möglichkeit, alles oder nichts!
Es funktionierte und tut es immer noch! Nie hätte ich gedacht, dass mein Fett so schnell wegschmilzt und ich mich so schnell, so wohl fühlen würde. Meine Lebensqualität hat sich ganz krass verbessert.
Ich darf ein ganz neues Lebensgefühl erleben und möchte es mit allen teilen. Das Metabolic Balance hat Einfluss auf Körper, Seele und Geist, es ist ein Prozess, der vorwärts geht und wenn ich am Ziel bin, werde ich diesen Lebensstil nicht mehr verlassen, es ist super, dass es auch nach dem erreichten Ziel noch weiter geht mit MB.“
Frau SR, Langnau am Albis
Energy & Mood
“Claudette helped me to make better food choices as I was feeling very tired, demotivated, moody and often depressed, especially during the winter months. She explained the gut-brain connection, and that most of the serotonin in our body is produced in the gut. We made a lot of changes to my usual eating habits, however what I liked is that Claudette was realistic on what people like to eat and didn’t tell me I could only eat mung beans going forward – she is keen on the 80/20 rule and people taking pleasure in what they are eating… as one can’t be expected to never have chocolate and alcohol again! Within a few months I felt a big difference: I have much more energy, am more alert and motivated, rarely moody, and am generally happier.“
Mr SC, London

“When I started seeing Claudette for nutrition advice, I was suffering with the following symptoms: dandruff, heartburn, indigestion, constipation, frequent gastritis, lactose sensitivity, spur heels, Carpel Tunnel, painful geographic tongue, and weight gain.
Claudette drew a spider graph showing the connection with the food I was eating, and my symptoms; she put together a program to introduce more nutritious and slower burning foods, and included some supplements. Within just a week I started to feel an improvement, and after a few months I felt a great improvement, with my symptoms either completely disappearing, or massively reduced, this enabled me to reduce my medication. Claudette also did a supermarket shopping trip with me to help me understand what to look out for, which was very helpful.“
TJ, London